Professional Transcription Services in Dubai
At Al Nibras Group, we have an experienced team who can handle even the most complicated transcription projects, translating and localizing your content to fit the target markets. Our transcription services are 100% accurate, transcribed by humans, and make your content more searchable and SEO-friendly.
Our Content Converts Wins the click!
Our Transcription Services
Transcription is highly expanding, encompassing different fields and industries and we always try to cope with the evolving customer needs. At Nibras Group, we deliver quality transcripts for a wide range of industries, including academic, business, legal, interview, conference, medical, market research, and more.
Verbatim Transcriptions
These transcriptions take into consideration every single detail and this goes even for repetitive words, false starts, or sounds. Verbatim Transcriptions are mainly used in legal and medical fields.
Non-verbatim Transcriptions
These transcriptions capture the meaning of the video and exclude any unnecessary words or additions.
Edited Transcriptions
These transcriptions convey the meaning of the audio or video keeping the same message and voice tone.